Hi my names Nic creator of The Wee Donkey Company (I was brainstorming names whilst watching Line of Duty if anyone was curious!)
During lockdown I decided to have a career change from working in Children's Services after spending so much time with the animals we rescued (2 shetlands, 2 donkeys and 1 goat) and taking them out in the community to spread some cheer during the pandemic. The impact they have on people and their therapeutic benefit is clear to see. It is hard not to be happy when spending time with these guys!
I wanted to combine my love for the animals and the way they make people feel with my passion for helping others in the community.
We added 3 Miniature Donkeys to the gang! These make AMAZING pets. They are gentle, really small and full of affection!
Funds raised from events and the adoption scheme will go towards the animals care and taking the Miniature Donkeys to those in the community that wouldn't easily have this chance.
We are starting small and personal and hope that will never change, but we are also needs-led and full of ideas so I am hoping for more exciting things to come!
Why Miniature Donkeys?
Research shows that spending time with donkeys has enormous therapeutic benefits. Donkeys are naturally calm animals. Their slow and steady presence gives a feeling of security and comfort to the poorly, the elderly and those feeling vulnerable or suffering from emotional difficulties.
Mini Donkeys are a separate breed of donkey which are known for their loving nature. They are extremely mellow, Very small, and LOVE cuddles and affection from humans.
In America Miniature donkeys are regularly used to help develop life skills, specifically self-esteem, empathy, managing emotions, and building resilience for people to cope with challenges in the real world. Miniature Donkeys are relatively new to the UK but quickly gaining in popularity.
Please ask us if you would like to know more about Miniature donkeys in general or the impact of donkeys on wellbeing. Always happy to talk donkey.